Exhibition of refraction shapes
by Boris Duhm
Photographs and installations
Exhibition by Boris Duhm
The Photography collection – Schloss Kummerow presents the temporary exhibition BRECHUNGSGESTALTEN by Boris Duhm. The special exhibition mainly shows photographic self-productions by the artist from the 10s, photo collages and an expansive sculpture that was specially made for the exhibition in Schloss Kummerow.
Duhm quotes the philosopher Jean Baudrillard, who points to a change in human perception: “Reality is perceived as something irrational, conversely, fiction is recognized as fact”. Boris Duhm’s fantastic photo productions, sculptures and collages are a journey into this space between reality and imagination. The figures shown in the pictures and in the room only reveal their essence on closer inspection. They seem to have become one with the environments in which they move. Often it is places in nature that are transformed in the purely analogue photographs of the existentialist artist into stages on which the human drama is performed. Duhm succeeds in transforming the specific place into a collective place of remembrance where everyone can find themselves with memories of their own life.
Even the disguised figures that populate these places are not themselves, but have undergone a transformation. You are in an as well as, in a state of refraction. In Even as a fern For example, the artist goes far beyond costuming: in a mimetic gesture, the artist actually transforms into a prehistoric plant. The radicalism of the photographic and artistic position reveals a clear political and social impetus, especially in his latest works, and repeatedly raises the question of the authenticity and credibility of the photographic image itself.
The special exhibition
Period of the exhibition
05 April – 10 June 2019
April 4th at 6:00 p.m.
Entry to special exhibition: 7.50 EUR p. P. *
Groups (from 20 adults): 6.00 EUR p. P. *
Annual pass: 50.00 EUR p. P. *
* Incl. Entry to the photographic collection
Plan your journey to the exhibition!
Place of issue
Schloss Kummerow
Dorstrasse 114
17139 Kummerow
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania